・引用文献:Hirohiko Adachi, Masaru Tsukada, Chikatoshi Satoko, "Discrete variational Xα cluster calculations. I. Application to metal clusters", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 45(3), 875-883 (1978).
・引用文献:Genta Sakane, Koichi Momma, Fujio Izumi, "Building of an Integrated Assistance Environment for the DV-Xα Method", 7th Award for Distinguished Contributions, Memorial Award Lecture, Bulletin of the Society for Discrete Variational Xα, 21(1&2), 13-17, (2008).
h軌道:オガネソン(118Og, Oganesson)原子の6h軌道(空軌道) ・Uuo6h_Ylm_55.jpg: n = 6, l = 5, m = 5 ・Uuo6h_Ylm_54.jpg: n = 6, l = 5, m = 4 ・Uuo6h_Ylm_53.jpg: n = 6, l = 5, m = 3 ・Uuo6h_Ylm_52.jpg: n = 6, l = 5, m = 2 ・Uuo6h_Ylm_51.jpg: n = 6, l = 5, m = 1 ・Uuo6h_Ylm_50.jpg: n = 6, l = 5, m = 0 ・Uuo6h_Ylm_5-1.jpg: n = 6, l = 5, m = -1 ・Uuo6h_Ylm_5-2.jpg: n = 6, l = 5, m = -2 ・Uuo6h_Ylm_5-3.jpg: n = 6, l = 5, m = -3 ・Uuo6h_Ylm_5-4.jpg: n = 6, l = 5, m = -4 ・Uuo6h_Ylm_5-5.jpg: n = 6, l = 5, m = -5